
Monday, January 31, 2011


Oh it is the day of Mondayness. Which I don't care for at all! AT ALL SIRS.  I am very very sleepy and wish for nothing but to stay in bed all day and read a good book.  Woe is me.


  1. i wouldn't mind either in this lovely room full of light :)
    pretty photos indeed :D

  2. So pretty! With this atmosphere I'd want to stay in bed for as long as possible too.

    P.S. I'm hosting a swimwear giveaway on my blog which I totally think you should try your luck at!

  3. oooh bed. i wish i didnt live so far from the beach so i could spend my whole day there!
    what book you reading?x

  4. It was struggle city for me to get up this morning as well! argh! xxx

  5. pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty. I have been getting absorbed amongst books of a late, and many a books i might add. Old ones I first started reading when my love affair with literature began. So lovely to reminisce!

    I wish you peaceful reading time soon!

  6. i wish my monday had a book and bed and lazy day. enjoy!
    peace & love.


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